Please click the link below for information about upcoming briefings.
To receive the meeting link, please ensure to select 'Yes, I'm attending'.
Australian Government Engagement in
UNFCCC Climate Change Conferences
Welcome to the Australian Government's United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Stakeholder Briefing Series, where you can register to join online events to learn more about Australia's engagement in climate negotiations at annual UNFCCC meetings and our involvement in the COP Action Agenda.
Please note:
Upcoming briefings will be posted here.
Stakeholder briefings are held online via Microsoft Teams. The meeting link is sent via the Engagement Hub. To attend a briefing, click on the relevant session in the 'Upcoming Briefings' section, go to the Event Details page and select 'Yes, I'm attending' in the RSVP section.
Previous briefings:
Please click the link below for information about upcoming briefings.
To receive the meeting link, please ensure to select 'Yes, I'm attending'.
Management of the Engagement Hub has transferred to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). DCCEEW will handle your personal information in accordance with our privacy notice. Please see the DCCEEW Privacy Policy for more information on our information handling practices. Our Privacy Policy also explains how you can request access to, or a correction of, your personal information and how to make a complaint. Our Privacy Policy is available at
If you no longer wish to receive updates or to opt out from the Engagement Hub, please update your profile via your personal dashboard. This can be accessed once logged in at