Welcome to the Australian Government's United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Stakeholder Engagement Hub. Register here to access information on Australia's engagement in the UNFCCC as well as information and events in the lead-up to annual climate change meetings.

For general information about the Australian Government's work on climate change, please visit the DCCEEW website.

Upcoming events

11-22 November 2024: The 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, Baku, Azerbaijan

Helpful information

Pavilion events: The Australian Pavilion Event EOI is now closed. Thank you for your submissions. All proposals are now being reviewed and will receive a response, regardless of outcome.

Australian Party Overflow Badges: Applications for party overflow badges to attend COP29 have now closed. All applications will be reviewed and will receive a response. Thank you for your interest and time in applying.

Get the latest information about COP29, including Presidency goals, attendance information, visas and more at www.cop29.az/en.