Welcome to the Australian Government's United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Stakeholder Engagement Hub. Register here to access information on Australia's engagement in the UNFCCC as well as information and events in the lead-up to annual climate change meetings.

For general information about the Australian Government's work on climate change, please visit the DCCEEW website.

Upcoming events

16-26 June: Bonn Climate Conference (SB62) - These sessions of the UNFCCC subsidiary bodies marks an important mid-point between COP conferences. 

10-21 November: COP30 - The UNFCCC's 30th Conference of the Parties will be held in Belém, Brazil. Information will be shared here as it becomes available. 

Recent events

11-22 November 2024: COP29 - The 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, Baku, Azerbaijan

Other useful information

Want to know more about COP?: Are you keen to deepen your understanding of the UNFCCC and the processes that culminate at each COP? We have prepared some helpful starting points on this learning and resources page, including links to free online UNFCCC courses.

Thanks for your feedback: Thanks to everyone who filled out the COP29 Australian attendee survey. Your answers will help guide planning for COP30 and beyond.

Interested in Australia's engagement in the UNFCCC and COP conferences?

Welcome to the virtual home of the Australia Pavilion at COP29, with event schedule, video links and more.
Take me to the Australia Pavilion page
The Australian Government's UNFCCC stakeholder briefing series provides information about Australia's engagement in global climate meetings and the COP Action Agenda.
See upcoming briefings